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All rentals are charged a one-time $25 service fee + sales tax.
Holiday and Special Event reservations require a 3-day minimum, with payment in full at time of booking.
Rental Periods are 1pm to 11am (22hrs).
Deposit refunds require 24-hour notice, 72-hour notice required for Holiday and Special Event periods
Payment shall be by credit card only. We accept all major credit cards.
Carts can be driven on city streets provided the posted speed limit is 35 MPH or less within our service area.
You may cross FM 3005 (San Luis Pass Road). However, driving on FM 3005 or it’s shoulder is prohibited.
Most areas of the beach have driving restrictions. Signs are posted at beach access points. DO NOT drive thru standing water, in the ocean or on the sand dunes.
Golf Carts are considered “Vehicles.” You need a driver’s license to operate a vehicle. We also require proof of current auto insurance.
You must be 21 years or older with a valid driver’s license.
Carts will be rented and delivered to rented or occupied residences or RV sites ONLY, and only within our designated service area.
Maximum capacity is six passengers, including children. All passengers must be seated and seat-belted. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR PASSENGERS!